martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

World Trade Center bombing (1993)

In february 26 of 1996, in New York City, an act of terrorrism occurred. What happened was that a car bomb was denotated below Tower One of the World Trade Center, and the gas was supposed to knock the North Tower into the South Tower (Tower Two) bringing both towers down.. Before the attack, Ramzi Yousef send letters to local newspaper, claiming he was in Isreal’s army, and he demanded that the US end all relationships with Isreal and all other Middle East countries. He admited that the bomb was terrorrism, but that it was justified. The event happened at 12:18 pm; this act of violence killed 6 innocent persons, injured 1,042 persons, and made victims of us all.
I know that in some cases, US havent took the best decisions, like war, but I still think that this act of terrorism isn’t justified because of those bad decisions. But if we try to be positive, only 6 persons died, instead of thousands.

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