lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

Slumdog Millionaire questions

-Compare and contrast three pivotal choices or decisions made by Jamal and Salim. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or “destinies”?
The first decision can be when both decide to accept Latinka,that's when all started, theyr'e relationship. Then when Salim kicks out Jamal, well they lost contact for a long time, and Jamal is just not happy.And when Jamal decides to connect again with Salim, he searches again Latinka and sort of forgives Salim. Those 3 decisions affect the course of the movie, because without those decisions they would have never reunited again.

-Greed, corruption and the misuse of power are highlighted in the film through a variety of characters. How are those who have money and power glamorized in this film? What happens to the victims?

Those who have power and money are shown as the bad guys, the villans, first the guy who use kids to beg for money, and the other guy who was involved in the mafia that ends up with Latinka. They're bad persons who don't care about other, like his wife or the kids sufferment.

-Describe how loss, chance, luck, suffering, and street smarts are also characters behind the scenes. The film explores gain and loss side by side. Triumphs are tempered with loss. Where do you see this evident?

Almost all his life Jamal was with Salim, and then Salim kicks out Jamal, he starts to work witht he mafia guy and wins good money, while Jamal survives working. Then when they reunite again Jamal wins the game and is millionaire, while Salim is killed by people who worked by the mafia guy. Those are some comparissons I found, in the matter of money and loss.

By Mariana Jiménez B.

1 comentario:

  1. Jamal fulfilled his destiny, yeah! I admire him. I think his decisions in life, even though everything seemed to be against him, did take him far in life. He went from being the tea guy to a millionaire who finally got back with his long lost love.
    Salim sucks and is ugly, but I don't hate him because he did the right thing in the end.
